2008. június 25., szerda

Meditation Music, Yoga, 3rd Eye Chakra

Your third eye is hungry for awareness !.......

The meditation technique which you are going to read is 'Trataka' (also known as third eye meditation). In the belief system of 'Tantra' and 'Hatha Yoga' there is a concept of Kundalini .

[ Have you ever heard of Tantra or 'Hatha' Yoga ? If not then let me tell you very briefly that 'Tantra' is a sort of esoteric spiritual path that involves doing a number of activities which seem bizarre and odd to many people. Soon I'll write a separate article on Tantra. Keep watching ' New Articles' 'Hatha' Yoga is a branch of Yoga and it involves indulging in various physical exercises and breathing routines (known as Pranayam.) Many things in 'Hatha Yoga' and Tantra are common' . In this article, without going into the details of Tantra, Hatha Yoga or Pranayam, I have tried to present a simple meditation technique of third eye. The topics of Tantra, Hatha & Pranayam will be covered in other articles soon] It has been discovered that there are seven chakras (or points of consciousness) in our body. These Chakras (literally Chakra means rings) are situated at different points in our body. Among these Chakras, the 6th Chakra is known as ' Aagya Chakra' located between the eyebrows and is said to be the seat of the mystical "third eye". The physical location of this chakra is at the center of our forehead. Just above the place between our eyes. It is believed that Kundalini (the energy field) travels from the first Chakra (also known as Muladhara Chakra, situated at the base of our spine) and travels to 2nd, 3rd, 4th.....chakra to reach the 7th Chakra of Sahasrara. Here it meets with the Supreme Consciousness- Shiva. The 'Agya Chakra' is the 6th chakra (the second last Chakra in the path of Kundalini).

This 3rd eye meditation revolves around this 6th center of consciousness - Agya Chakra. This Agya Chakra' is considered as the center where our third eye resides. Though there is no physical third eye present in the body but at a more subtle, spiritual plane it has been experienced by many people that a stimulating center of consciousness exist here. Trataka (or third eye meditation) is the meditation technique of 'Agya Chakra'. When we focus our awareness on third eye, we automatically and instantly attain a meditative state.

Now without further going into the scientific explanation or spiritual significance of this meditation technique let us learn the exact method of this simple meditation technique of 'Trataka' which may take you into a meditative state instantly.

3 megjegyzés:

  1. Boszikam...ezt nem tudtam leszedni :-((

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